Do you want to tone up your face and make it glow with beauty? Combine dried lavender, chamomile and rose petals for a complete treatment!
Put 50 cl of water in a bowl and add a handful of dried roses.
– Stir, place in a pot and boil for 10 minutes.
– When you take it off the fire, let the decoction cool, covered.
– Filter and put in ice trays and then in the freezer.
Boil a cup of plain water and then put a teaspoon of chamomile and a lavender for 15 minutes.
When the ice cubes you made are ready:
– Spray your face with water from chamomile and lavender flowers and then dab your face with cotton wool dipped in the same mixture.
– Dab the face with cotton wool dipped in warm rose water
– Finally, rub the face with one of the ice cubes you made until it melts.